Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Feathers of Fury

If you know Addy, then you know that kicking her butt is not that hard to do. She is a gentle person, an old soul who does not agree with violence. She is a peace keeper and so she opts for peaceful protest over violence. But get your butt kicked by a 5 pound chicken? Come on Addy!

We have a strange array of pets here at the Ray household. Currently we have 2 dogs, 6 chickens and 1 duck. All of the animals coexist peacefully for the most part but there was that one incident. The one we like to laugh about at dinner. The incident we use to keep Addy in check when she starts talking teenage to us. The day Addy got her butt kicked by KiKi the chicken.

Now, in Addy’s defense KiKi is one tough bird. She can hold her own against just about any animal in the house. Feathers of fury are what she is when she is on the offense. A blur of black and white with feathers floating peacefully to the ground after the mayhem is over. Most of the household animals have learned to not make KiKi upset. Blue and Petey keep a respectful distance from her. The other Girls let her pick the best scraps and the best roosting spot. But Addy was just a bit confused about who was the boss.

Chickens, like dogs can smell the weakness in a human, and they smell Addy’s pacifist nature a mile away. So of course they have to exploit the weakness and KiKi is the master. She has made Addy her personal servant. Addy hand feeds KiKi, lets her sit in the chair with her, paints the birds toenails and of course is there for affection whenever KiKi demands. Oh and KiKi demands!

One seemingly normal evening, KiKi was just sitting on Addy’s lap like any other summer evening and then, out of nowhere came feathers of fury. KiKi climbed up Addy like a tree inflicting damage everywhere she touched. She pecked and scratched and Lord only knows what else she did to poor Addy. I think she even pooped on her. And then as suddenly as the attack began it ended. It ended with that stark contrast of floating feathers as opposed to feathers of fury. And poor Addy just sat there dazed and confused with little spots of blood on her arms. And KiKi just sat there demanding in her chicken way that Addy continue giving her a back rub.

For those of you concerned about Addy, she is fine and has no permanent damage from the attack except for some emotional scars. KiKi is still her boss and Addy is at the beck and call of the bird. Everyone seems to know their place. To date, we have not had a repeat butt whipping, but if Addy crosses the line KiKi is ready.

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