Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blue to the Rescue

A couple of years ago our family started a new hobby, chicken raising. We were suckered in by those cute, little chicks dyed those adorable, Easter colors at Dickey Bubs. Who could resist a pink chick? Not this old softie. So, we bought us some chicks, built us a coop, got some chicken feed and started on a path that is a whole different article entirely. We became chicken parents. We have six lovely hens and one female duck (she was a rescue). Yes, the eggs are nice, but I know why organic, free range chicken eggs are so expensive at the market. Chickens eat a lot! But I digress from the focus of my article which is Blue saving the day.

As you know from my other stories, Blue is the best Coonadoodle Hound dog ever! And so when we got the Girls (our pet name for the chickens and duck) Blue of course helped out when he was needed. On summer nights when the Girls want to chase fireflies or eat my tomato plants instead of go to bed, who helps me round them all up into the coop? Blue of course! You know Petey, the beagle is too lazy. She never helps with chicken chores. But I just say, “Let’s put ’em up Blue,” and he is up and chicken wrangling in no time. The Girls cackle and protest, but with both of us shooing them to the coop they cannot win the fight.

Now, I live in a small town but my house is in a subdivision. You would not expect critters of the woodsy sort to come looking for your chickens here. But I have had predators come looking for an easy meal. One day, Blue sounded the alarm early in the morning and I came out just in time to see a red fox high tailing it out of my yard. At first I stood there in awe of his beauty and at my luck to see a fox so close. Then it hit me, the stinker was after my Girls! Good thing Blue was there to save the day! No one chases his birds, except him and only at bedtime.

Blue has saved the Girls from becoming dinner on numerous occasions; mostly the culprit has been a large bird of prey. A hawk, chicken hawk or an owl will try to out wait Blue. They sit in the trees or on the swing set watching him watch them in a morbid game of don’t blink. But they have always met their match when it comes to patience with Blue. My boy is instinctively protective of what he views as his family and the Girls are definitely considered close cousins. So, Blue will stay out in the yard (yes even in the heat when he would rather be in the air conditioning) until the bird of prey gets the hint and takes off for good. He is calm and quiet in his approach. Like Teddy Roosevelt, Blue prefers to speak softly but carry a big stick. If a bird comes too close, he will spring into action. Then when the bird retreats he goes back to his quiet vigilance. To date, we have not lost a single member of the gaggle to any predator. Who would have thought that a Coon Hound would become such a strong advocate for chicken rights?

Coonadoodle Hound Dog

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