Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Petey Goes Hunting

Petey, our 2 year old beagle mix qualifies as one of the laziest dogs in the world. This dog can seriously sleep through us making her do doggy sit ups. You have to love how seriously she takes being lazy. My girl is committed.

So even though she is a “hunting” dog and my husband does hunt, he has never taken Petey with him when he goes into the woods. She really enjoys her air conditioning way too much to go out into the hot, bug infested forest at the crack of dawn to do work. But what happened the other night really got our hopes up that she would soon be a fine companion for my husband on his excursions.

We were all sitting on the couch eating snacks (chocolate covered raisins to be exact) when we saw an amazing site. Petey stood by the couch and began tracking a scent! Then she locked on to the scent and located her prey. It was beautiful to watch; her nose close to the ground and those long, hound dog ears hanging down. It took us all a moment to fully appreciate what was going on.

Then, Petey had her prey pinned down. She was at the edge of the couch with her nose shoved as far under the couch as it could possibly fit. She was whining and barking and wiggling her behind trying to dig under the couch. My first thought was, “Oh Lord, we have mice”. So with a certain dread I had my daughter lift the couch up so the dog could go under and get that filthy rodent that I was sure had invaded my home. Up went the couch, under went the dog, and down the hatch went a chocolate covered raisin. Unfortunately for my husband, chocolate covered raisins are not native to Missouri. I guess he still needs a hunting companion.

Adopt a Shelter Pet

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